令和元年度第7回 オープンキャンパス報告
第7回 English Summer Seminar 英語漬け体験
体験授業は、モリス先生とプラザ先生による「English Summer Seminar英語漬け体験」でした。夏にふさわしいワクワクするものでした。つい十日前の8月6日から8日にかけて実施された、鬼怒川温泉での3日間の英語集中セミナーを再現しました。
The title of the demonstration class was ‘English Summer Seminar 英語漬け体験’. It was designed to give the students an introduction to the English Summer Seminar, a three day intensive English course held at a hotel, and an opportunity to experience some of the English activities we do there. The teachers, Taron Plaza and Jon Morris, began with a slideshow presentation about the English Summer Seminar.
English Summer Seminar は、
English Summer Seminar は、
It introduced the program from beginning to end, including all the travel and hotel information. There were many photos of students enjoying activities such as “teach me”, “nature walk” and “team challenges”.
”teach me” 学生が仲間に教えます
“nature walk”鬼怒川散策も楽しみの一つ
Then we moved on to the more active part of the class. Taron and Jon split the students into teams and played a memory game to help everyone remember each other’s names. Then, they introduced some English riddles that one of the participants in this year’s English Summer Seminar had made. After that, we played the English version of shiritori, which is good for team-building and vocabulary-building. The last challenge was a “guess the phrase” activity. The students did especially well with this and were able to quickly guess phrases such as “Welcome to our university!”
Let’s Try Some Activities!
What letter of the alphabet has the most water?
English Summer Seminar is a chance to develop English ability and other skills outside the university campus environment. A lot of work goes into it from the teachers and the students, but it is always a great success and a wonderful way to end the first semester. We were glad to share our English Summer Seminar activities with many visitors today.
- 「鬼怒川のセミナーに参加してみたくなりました!」
- 「英語を実際に使ってみるのは、初め恥ずかしかったけれど、すぐに夢中になりました。」
- 「先生が顔を見て話しかけて下さり、英語が通じたときは嬉しかったです。」
クイズでは正解に 大拍手! でした。積極的なご参加、ありがとうございました。
We hope to see them all again at our next open campus event. This will be on the 14th September 2019, and the theme will be「TOEIC®にチャレンジ!」. All are most welcome.