

The Komazawa Women’s University English Communication course held their second open campus event of the 2019 academic year on Saturday 15th June.  Many students took part, accompanied by family members.  After an explanation of the different classes and opportunities on offer in our course, we moved onto the demonstration class.

The title of the demonstration class was ‘日本の食文化ってすごい!’ It was designed to give the students an opportunity to experience learning about an interesting and familiar topic in English; and develop communication skills they will use when talking to people from other countries in English.  The teacher, Jon Morris, introduced a range of hot topics in Japanese food culture.  The students then tried a photo quiz about honzen(本膳), shojin(精進) and kaiseki(懐石).  Everyone did a great job guessing which photo was which style of food.

We moved on to the main part of the class, a discussion of sushi(寿司).  Sushi is now a popular food in many parts of the world, but its important role in Japanese culture is reflected in Japanese art, literature and business life.  We looked at ways in which information about seafood is shared in the old Tsukiji(築地) fish market.

If you go abroad, people will want you to tell them about Japan, and many people might ask about sushi.  Jon demonstrated introducing different types of sushi, such as chirashizushi(ちらし鮨), nigirizushi(握り鮨), oshizushi(押し鮨) and makizushi(巻き鮨).  There was then an active listening exercise about the origins of sushi and Edomae sushi(江戸前鮨).

Next, the students consulted a menu of sushi items in English and wrote about the type of sushi they like best.  Jon went around the class to ask what everyone had chosen.  This was a very active class, and all the students took part superbly.

We hope to see them all again at our next open campus event.  This will be on the 29th June 2019, and the theme will be‘自信を持って英語が話せるようになろう!’.  All are most welcome.


(日本語文文責 中野達也)

トピックス :新着投稿