海外英語研修報告 ~真夏のオーストラリアから無事帰国~

ブリスベンでの第2週目に入ると、参加者は学校も家もすべて英語で過ごすEnglish onlyにすっかり慣れ、地元の人のように生活し始めました。そしてローンパイン・コアラ・サンクチュアリー訪問、クイーンズランド博物館見学などの行事をこなすうちに、時はあっという間に流れていきました。金曜日には校長先生とオーナーが主催するおもてなしのバーベキューランチの後、修了式を迎えました。


The second week in Brisbane was as sunny as the first. The students became accustomed to their ‘English only’ environment at the school, and the various cultures and their different surroundings of Brisbane. When we first arrived, two weeks seemed very long but towards the end the students said “It’s too short!”

A fun and educational part of the week was a visit to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. Before going the students had a pre-task to present information about an Australian animal living at the Sanctuary and ask the other students to guess what it is. Everyone enjoyed doing this activity on the bus and they were excited to see the animals for real and not just on paper. Holding a Koala was the highlight of the day for many students, but for others it was the view from the top of Mount Coot-tha, before heading back to the city center.

  • ローンパイン・コアラ・サンクチュアリーにて
  • エミューとご対面
  • コアラと友達になりました
  • 最高の眺めと13人の最高の笑顔

We also took a trip to Queensland Museum! Everyone took part in the task of finding out some interesting information about the exhibitions of Australian culture, the environment and historical artifacts. This was a great experience.

  • クイーンズランド博物館にて海底探検気分を味わう
  • こんにちは、恐竜さん

On the final day, just before graduation, the students enjoyed the traditional Australian barbeque. Some even went back for seconds.

  • オージースタイルのバーベキュー
  • オーナーのジェイクさんと

Everyone successfully graduated and the occasion was made memorable by the warm and encouraging words from Barry the Principal of the school, and also the fantastic presentations by three groups of students. Their presentation themes were about some differences between Australia and Japan and also the best things about Brisbane. This was a lovely ending to the day and everyone’s heart and stomach were full!

  • Well done, girls!晴れ晴れとした表情ですね!
    Well done, girls!

For many students they have become a family member of their homestay house, so it was sad for them to say goodbye. I think this experience will be something the students will talk about for many years to come.









Thanks to all the teachers and staff at Langports English Language School, their host families, the teachers from the Department of International Culture (国際文化学科) , the tour leader from Tonichi Travel, the support staff at Komajo, and not forgetting the parents of all the students. With everyone’s help and support we could make this study abroad program possible. Thank you very much!

研修・実習・発表会レポート :新着投稿