平成30年度第11回 オープンキャンパス報告

人間文化学類 英語コミュニケーション専攻 Jon Morris(ジョン・モリス)

The Komazawa Women’s University English Communication course held their eleventh open campus event of the 2018 academic year on Saturday 24th November. Nine students took part, accompanied by family members. After an explanation of the different classes and opportunities on offer in our course, we moved on to the demonstration class.
The title of the demonstration class was ‘Introduce Yourself, Introduce Japan!’ It was designed to give the students an opportunity to use the English they have learned in high school and develop conversation skills they will use when talking to people from other countries in English. The teacher, Jon Morris, demonstrated the “3 numbers self introduction”. The students then tried it, giving numbers about themselves for their teammates to guess what connection they had to the speaker. Everyone did a great job!
Then we moved on to the more challenging part of the class. If you go abroad, people will want you to tell them about Japan, but can you explain things to someone who doesn’t know about them already? Jon demonstrated introducing a famous food, a famous person and a sightseeing spot. He has spent a number of years in Sendai, so he chose topics connected to Sendai.
Next, the students each prepared to introduce a famous food, a famous person or a sightseeing spot that they liked. They used the mind mapping method to brainstorm. This is a good way to take notes at university, plan a report or prepare ideas for output in a foreign language. Having made some more notes on paper, the students then introduced their Japan topics to their group.
This was a very active class, and all the students took part superbly. We hope to see them all again at our next open campus event. This will be on the 23rd March 2019, and the theme will be「お芝居の中でも借金は大問題!」. All are most welcome.

‘Introduce Yourself, Introduce Japan!’と題して体験授業を行いました。この授業では、参加者が2つのグループに分かれて、まず3つの数字を使ってお互いに自己紹介をしました。次に、日本の観光スポットや有名人、有名な食べ物について紹介し合いました。「寿司」を取り上げた人が数人いましたが、同じテーマでも紹介のポイントがそれぞれ異なっていて、お互いに発見がありました。体験授業を通して仲良くなった参加者もいました。とても楽しい体験授業となりました。

トピックス :新着投稿