国際文化学科の授業 〜教員による授業紹介〜 No. 6 Academic Speaking
人前で話すことは日本語でさえも苦手なのに、ましてや英語でのスピーチなんて、と思っているあなたにぴったりの科目を、英語コミュニケーションコースの教員杉長ジャッキーが紹介します。2015年度から始まる新カリキュラムではAcademic Speakingという新しい名称になりますが、内容は従来の「スピーチ・クリニック」をさらに充実させたものです。これから説明する1~10の秘訣(tips)を身につけて、あなたも自信をもって英語でプレゼンテーションができるようになりませんか? 簡単な英語で書いたので、是非読んでください。
English Communication Course Jackie Suginaga
The Academic Speaking is a class at Komajo, where students learn how to have confidence to give speeches, talk about interesting topics and learn a lot of useful language.
Making a presentation in English is not easy! Everyone is usually nervous and worried that they won’t be able to speak, and make lots of mistakes in front of their classmates. But, at the Academic Speaking, all students learn how to have confidence to speak in front of their peers and learn not to worry about making a few mistakes.
In the Academic Speaking class, the students give presentations about many interesting topics; for example, young people’s eating habits, the world we live in, movies, your opinion, the news, and much more.
Not only do we learn and talk about interesting topics, but we also learn lots of new and useful words and phrases. This will increase your language level and help you sound professional when giving a presentation.
Of course, it is not easy, but it is a wonderful challenge and can even be fun, too! At the end of the course you will have a lot of experience in giving presentations in a positive and confident manner.
Here are some tips to help you give a good presentation.
- Be prepared: Nobody can give a good presentation without preparation. Start with brainstorming ideas, and then organizing them into three parts: 1. An introduction, 2. A body and 3. A conclusion.
- Get your work checked before class: It’s always a good idea to try out your presentation before coming to class. You can come to my room during office hours.
- Use visual aids: Try using PowerPoint, or visual aids in your presentation. This will really bring it to life and help the audience understand what you are talking about.
- Use new language: Use the useful language that is in your textbook, this will improve your language skills and you will sound very smooth and professional!
- Practice each section: Good presentations have three main sections, an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Practice each section step by step with a friend or voice record yourself.
- Look presentable: You don’t have to wear a suit, but please dress nicely. Do not wear a coat, very casual clothes or a mask when giving a presentation.
- Do not read your script: Please don’t look at your paper and read out your presentation. Anyone can do this. Practice many times and try to remember, then you will not have to read so much.
- Eye contact: If you make eye contact with your audience, they will listen to you more. But if you don’t, your audience will fall asleep!
- Interaction: At the beginning, middle and end of your presentation, ask some questions to the audience. This will make them more interested and happy to be part of your presentation.
- Relax and smile: Try to relax and smile. Even if you are nervous, smile. No one will know how scared you are and you will look like you are a famous actress.
If you are interested, please come to the Academic Speaking class anytime!