海外英語研修速報 ~真夏のオーストラリアから こんにちは~

こちらは、気温33度。快晴が続き日差しは強いですが、吹く風は爽やかです。2月20日から3月7日までの2週間、オーストラリアのブリスベンで、ホームステイをしながら、Langports という学校で英語を学んでいます。

これは、「海外英語研修」という2単位科目で、今年は国際文化、人間関係、心理、住空間の4つの学科から13名が参加しています。一つの家庭に日本人一人がホームステイするので、学校でも家でもEnglish onlyで過ごします。


On Sunday February 21st, after a smooth flight from Tokyo, all students arrived at Brisbane airport safely. Everyone was a bit nervous just before meeting their host families, however, the next day they were a bit more relaxed. Even though their English was not perfect, they could communicate with their families. This is most important.

  • ホストファミリーとの対面前
  • ブリスベンの市内ツアー

On day 1, all students successfully arrived at the school from their homestay houses using public transport, either by bus or by train. First big mission accomplished! Then in the morning everyone went on a guided tour around Brisbane city center.

During the week, the students enjoyed learning about Australian culture with their teacher, Kylie. They also studied general English, including listening, writing and conversation practice and some fun activities, too.

At break-time everyone ate some new things including Australia’s traditional desert – Lamington cake and also some yummy potato chips. Everyone was happy until lunchtime. In the afternoon, the students enjoyed classroom activities in teams. Some students from another class watched and wanted to join in!

  • ラミントンでホッと一息のティータイム
  • 左がオーストラリア名物のラミントン

Mid-week, we all went to Brisbane’s weekly Wednesday Market. This was the first time for many students to experience a market where there were various food and exotic fruits from Morocco, Turkey, New Zealand, and of course homegrown produce from Australia.

  • 水曜日は市場へお出かけ

Back at school the students took part in extra curricular activities where they enjoyed interacting with other students at the language school. They talked to students from Switzerland, Columbia, Tahiti, and other countries. It seems that they are becoming part of the Langports’ family of students more and more every day.

  • 他国の生徒たちに話しかけてみます
  • みんなとの会話が楽しくなってきました

We finished on Friday with a birthday celebration for one of our students who turned 19. We all ate pavlova cake. The birthday girl received some birthday advice from Barry, the principal of Langports Language School. He said “From now on, on this day you must speak English!” This made everyone laugh.

  • これから誕生日はいつも英語だけでね!
  • 人生最高のバースデーでした

The time has flown by very fast, so we will treasure every remaining time.
Best wishes from Australia!



  • 初めてのことばかりですが、添乗員さんや先生からたくさん説明を受け、なるほど、とか、将来も役立つな、と、思っています。自分が大きくなるのを、感じます。
  • いよいよ始まると思うと、期待が膨らむ一方です。




研修・実習・発表会レポート :新着投稿