平和な世にならんことを Hoping that the world shall be in peace.[数学科 山口]




数学科 山口

Hoping that the world shall be in peace.

Please read what I write below as my personal expression of views.

In recent years, extremely painful events have occurred in the Middle East, including the problems with Ukraine and Russia. On one hand, I can’t help but watch the news in a daze.
I tell my students that they should be able to have their own ideas and communicate with each other, and in order to do that, they should study every day and find opportunities to express themselves, even though it may not be directly related to them.
At our school, students are constantly reminded of peace by visiting Hiroshima, Okinawa, and Singapore. It makes us reflect about what we as Japanese people should think about and what we can do in response to events that seem to take place in a faraway country. But of course, there is no answer.
For nearly 2000 years, many cultures and religions have intermingled in our country. During this process, conflicts arose, and oppression took place. It is true that we have done terrible things.
And 78 years have passed since the last war. At that time, in the name of a ‘‘good cause’’, this country made huge mistakes, and at the same time, sad things had happened to this country. Although the defeat was unavoidable due to circumstances, it must have been extremely difficult to accept.
The fact that, however, we have been handed the baton of this era and are now living in peace in this country is something to be proud of. It is the very thing we should share with the world. Is there anyone around you in Japan who would tell Christians to leave? Will there be anyone who calls for the overthrow of the US and Britain? We have all learned from the past.
The word justice sometimes becomes a cause for killing many people. It’s scary, but human psychology is such that the more ‘‘enemies’’ you kill, the more the glory of justice appears, despite the real sense of death.
How would you feel if someone you knew, or your family member was killed all of a sudden? Would you want revenge? That’s definitely true. Believing in your own justice, you will hang the culprit and punish him thoroughly. Moreover, if you are a father like me, you will probably fight back to save your face, and even kill that person without any hesitation. Then, in your heart, you cry out for your deceased family, thinking that you have successfully taken revenge.
But is that okay?
Nowadays, major powers are putting their prestige and face on the line, believing in the justice of their own countries, and are now unable to discuss peace so far. I pray that there shall be discussion to reduce the number of bullets flying around. I also hope that there shall never be a Third Explosion on our planet. What I would like to suggest is that, as Japanese people, our country’s history can serve as a sort of help for international policy decisions.
This statement is just like the flutters of a butterfly. I have added an English translation in the hope that it will reach the heart of someone around the world.

Math Dept. Yamaguchi
